in my humble opinion, by Donn Clarius
I had been genuinely looking forward to viewing this expose for nearly a month, when I saw it last
night at the local Republican HQ on El Camino, i couldn’t have been more disappointed; actually, I
was far more than ‘disappointed’ – I was downright outraged!
MSH masterfully shows the son of our president living a vulgar, sleazy lifestyle, however there is
just too much obscene language, and blatant sexuality [there’s no nudity, however the film makes it
clear what particular deviant sexual act is being performed!]
Several folks walked out; I was tempted to do the same, but made a carefully considered decision
not to; sometime later I woke up; I had actually fallen asleep! I should point out that i am a
film-maker – video documentaries; my production service Video Mission is HQed in Atascadero.
I was so glad that the emcee apologized after the film, and promised to choose a better film the
next time. May I highly recommend a film? It’s thoroughly ‘family friendly’ – it’s historical, and
meticulously documented – Monumental, done by the same Kirk Cameron who starred in the original
Left Behind films.
Monumental is the story of the moral decay of our nation. It starts with an examination of the
so-called ‘Pilgrims’ – that group of devout Christians who were loyal to the king who was trying to
kill them! Scripture tells believers to honor the leaders, but follow God’s laws above all; the
only way the pilgrims could do that was to flee England.
They settled in the Netherlands – Leyden to be exact. There they set up printing presses and
published copies of the existing English translation of the Bible – called ‘The Geneva Bible’ which
they smuggled back to England.
However, the king was opposed to that translation because it informed mere ‘commoners’ that they
were a ‘royal priesthood.’ The king authorized a newer translation that he [not at all] humbly
named after himself; it still exists – The King James Version! Eventually the King sent his
henchmen across the English Channel to destroy the press.
Still the congregation-in-exile was convinced that the Lord is sovereign; He will turn their scars
into stars, so to speak. Meanwhile the adult pilgrims were not able to work because they did not
speak Dutch and were unable to join the trade guilds; the youth were able to learn the language.
they became the bread winners.
Around the same time an English sea-captain named Henry Hudson was hired by the Dutch to explore
the New World. Back then the Netherlands rivaled England, France, and Spain as world explorers.
After Hudson’s voyage he returned, and raved about what he had found – a river valley as lush as
that of the Rhine!
At the same time the adult pilgrims realized that ‘tho’ their sons were earning money, they also
were being drawn away from the Christian faith by the Dutch culture; the Pilgrim leaders resolved
to cross the Atlantic and establish a colony devoted to “…advance the Christian faith!”
They were headed for that river that has since been named for that explorer – the Hudson River at
New York: unfortunately, they were blown off course and had to settle for Massachusetts Bay, where
they wrote The Mayflower Compact – America’s first constitution.
That document starts with these words: “In the Name of God, Amen! We the undersigned … establish
this colony for the advancement of the Christian faith.” That was a civil/secular document! Our
sixth president, John Quincy Adams proclaimed that “Americans are called to celebrate only two
holidays – Independence Day, and Easter, for without Christianity we would not be a nation!” 95% of
our founders were devout Christians!
The USA’s patriotic songs are actually hymns; consider the straight-forward America. It starts out
praising the beauties of our land; the second verse compares those features to God’s temple; by the
final verse the hymn is clearly praising God Himself. Here’s how that song’s final verse:
“Our fathers’ [founders] God – to Thee – Author of liberty- to Thee we sing! Long may our land be
bright with freedom’s holy light; protect us by Thy might, great God, our King.” Not the king of
England – the King of Kings!