Saturday evening, Linda Quinlan of the organization New California coordinated the screening of the new Dinesh D’Souza film ‘2000 Mules’ at the Republican Headquarters in Atascadero. James Baugh, candidate for San Luis Obispo county clerk recorder, also spoke prior to the event.A little over 100 people filled all the available seats, and movie theaters across the country sold out as well. The anticipated documentary is a joint effort between Salem Media Group, D’Souza Media, and True the Vote, an advocacy and research group on election integrity.D’Souza announced that the limit of 80,000 live stream connections was maxed out and they were anticipating the release of DVD’s and Digital copies after the live streaming of the documentary. The internet streamed virtual premiere included a live hosted portion by Eric Metaxas,Danielle D’Souza, and Dinesh D’Souza, the film shown in its entirety and then followed up by a Q&A segment. ‘2000 Mules’ exposes the co-ordinated effort to steal the 2020 election from Donald J. Trump by illegally harvesting ballots and trafficking them to drop boxes within the swing states needed to sway the election. Ballot Trafficking is illegal in all 50 states. The researchers were able to track over 2000 “Mules” by geo-tracking technology using ‘pings’ given off from devices, such as cell phones, during the time from the Presidential primary through the runoff election. True the Vote founder Catherine Engelbrecht commented on the absolute certainty of the data being presented.According to Engelbrecht, the data had to fit within strict guidelines to be considered, such as a “mule” must visit 10 or more drop boxes and 5 or more suspect non-profits before consideration. Once the geo-tracking data was analyzed, the True the Vote team was able to review a block of over 4 million minutes of state provided video and match up the location of the “mule” to retrieve video evidence of the felony trafficking of ballots. Even with the most conservative results from the sample of evidence, the True the Vote team was able to prove that enough votes were affected to sway the election away from Donald J. Trump.
To learn more about the documentary