Encanto is the new animated movie by Disney Studios released this Christmas for audiences of all ages. The main character Marabel is an upbeat and energetic character that bring you all the spectacular imagery and imagination that Disney is known for. She has a large family blessed by a miracle that bring her house to life and her family members special gifts. To keep that miracle burning and the candle it symbolizes from going out the matriarch Abuela keeps a loving but strict watch over the family and household. Singing and dancing are wild and entertaining throughout the movie and the characters all bring their own wonder to the screen. Marabel’s mother Julieta can heal with her cooking. Marabel’s sisters Luisa and Isabela are gifted one with strength and the other with beauty, grace, and the ability to grow vegetation. Marabel’s other relative have impressive gifts as well. So, grab some popcorn and watch Encanto with the whole family to learn everyone’s special gift.